Report Center -的意思|示意
Report Center -的网络常见释义
报告中心 ... accountant's report -> n. 查账报告;会计师查账报告 Report Center -> n. 报告中心 ad hoc report -> n. 特别报告 ...
Report Center -相关短语
1、 Report Center 报告中心 ; 报表中心 ; 陈诉中间
2、 communication report center 通信中心站
3、 survey report center 测绘资料管理处
Report Center -相关例句
The Center report showed the United States trails other countries in older groups, too.
And about that Tax Policy center report: it has been five months since that came out. Has Ryan tried, at all, to address the concerns the center raised?
In 1990, he and an old war buddy wrote a report to the port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which owns the Trade Center site, insisting on the need for more security in the parking garage.
In a report published by the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University, researchers studied 100 professional athletes and their endorsement contracts.
The center also broadcasts the latest weather report five times a day, giving details of the expected wave heights.
In 2004, according to a report by the center, international aid received just 1% of household giving.