Report print的意思|示意

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Report print的网络常见释义

报表打印 正文:基于OLE 的报表打印方案设计与实现 关键词】报表打印;OLE 自动化;Excel [gap=458]Key words:Report print;OLE Automation ;Excel

Report print相关短语

1、 Print Report 打印报告 ; 打印报表 ; 试验报告打印输出 ; 列印报告

2、 Legend Report Print 联想报表打印机

3、 print report press 打印报告新闻 ; 按下打印报告 ; 正在翻译

Report print相关例句

The system can automatic realize some function include data capture, operation dispose, testing report print and fault analyse etc under computer control.


George: Not really. I can't print my analysis report.


We try to print a report, make coffee, and talk on the phone at the same time.


The user can print or save the report using standard PDF functionality.


Billy: Not really. I can't print my analysis report.


The cursor object returned is basically an iterator, so I can use Groovy's nifty each directly on it in order to print out a nice little report.
