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墬石 ... 转盘测面器 Rolling-disk planimeter 墬石 Rolling-stone 罗马柏木 Roman Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens, L.) ...


1、 Rolling Stone 滚石 ; 滚石杂志 ; 滚石乐队 ; 不定居的人

2、 Like A Rolling stone 像个流浪汉 ; 像一颗滚石 ; 行踪不定

3、 The Rolling Stone 滚石乐队 ; 滚石杂志


A damning Rolling Stone article on Goldman in 2009 opened with precisely those words, the name apart.


But at least Rolling Stone can't be accused of false advertising by playing the cover for shock value.


I've had applicants from Rolling Stone, the Wall Street Journal, "said Keith Griffith, director of recruiting." But it's really hard to get them to do what we're looking for.

我甚至收到了来自滚石和华尔街日报工作者的申请,“人事主任Keith Griffith说道,”但是很难让他们做我们想要他们做的事情。

Rolling Stone has long been one of the foremost publications regarding music and media.

《滚石》长期以来一直是音乐和媒体领域首屈一指的初版物。 《滚石》和

The most corrosive piece of technology that I’ve ever seen is called television —but then, again, television, at its best, is magnificent.” [Rolling Stone, Dec. 3, 2003]


But Rolling Stone Keith Richards, now 58, may have had too many cholesterol? Loaded meals and smoked too many cigarettes.
