Ruthless People的意思|示意
Ruthless People的网络常见释义
家有恶夫 紧接着,公司又于同年4月份发行电影《家有恶夫》(Ruthless People),并同样引发轰动。
杀妻计中计 诸如《窈窕淑男》、《尽善尽美》(As Good as It Gets,1997)、《杀妻计中计》(Ruthless People,1986),这些电影就显得不同寻常,他们有 5 到 7 个次要情节。观众对次要情节的兴趣让故事获得了复杂性。
残酷的人们 ...罗河宝石》(Th Jewel of the Nile) 1985 Head Office 1986 《黑街福星》(Wise Guys) 1986 《残酷的人们》(Ruthless People) 1986 《小精灵马》(My Little Pony: The Movie)配音 1987 《谋害老妈》(Throw Momma from the Train) 1987 《锡人》(Tin M...
狠人 她是唯一的一个正在学法语的人 » She is the only one who is currently studying French 狠人 » Ruthless people 生活中的幸福也许是违法的,也许是不道德的或者是翻译公司的——肖伯纳 » Perhaps it is an offense in the life of the well-be...
Ruthless People相关短语
1、 Are ruthless people 无情的人 ; 是冷酷无情的人
2、 We are ruthless people 我们是狠人
3、 Fall and ruthless people 翻译公司而无情的人
Ruthless People相关例句
Some people go is never returned, so, wait and hesitation is the world's most ruthless killer!
Not only run by the ruthless but also by people who have sedated their own morales.
But in his heart he was very sinister and ruthless. He constantly schemed against people he saw as possible rivals.
Above all, the advent of the present so - called "graph-reading" age clearly shows that people have not realized their ruthless deprivation by vision.
As long as people love warm enough, it will melt ruthless frozen.
The Trafigura case, like the financial crisis, suggests that in business there are people ruthless enough to shut their eyes to almost anything if they think if they think they can make money.