
美 / / 英 / /


语音控制 语音控制(S-Voice)和、直接拨打(Direct Call)、面部识别、社区标签(Social Tag)、0延时快门、连拍自动选取最优照片、无线充电、Music Hub


1、 S Voice 三星语音助手 ; 声控 ; 语音助手 ; 智能语音

2、 Launch S Voice 取消勾选

3、 child ' s voice 童声


That"s very good, she said in her tired voice.

非常好。 她用有气无力的声音说。

He dug for eight hours... 12 hours... 24 hours... 36 hours... then, in the 38th hour, he pulled back a large stone and heard his son s voice.


Aimlessly listening to my music, suddenly the melody of "the kite" comes into my earphone, so does yanzi 's voice.


Of course as long as people need to get access to information besides someone s voice, we ll probably always need a screen in some capacity.


Outfit7's apps, including "Talking Gina the Giraffe," feature creatures that respond to touch-screen belly rubs and repeat the player's spoken words in funny voice.

Out fit7 ' s的软件,包括“会说话的长颈鹿。吉娜,”塑造了一个宠物,在触屏操作的时候会有令人捧腹的反应,同样还可以用搞笑的音调重复玩家说的任何话。

You'd be hearing a music mix coming from his room and suddenly Martin Luther King, Jr.'s voice: 'I have been to the top of the mountain...' you know. Stunning.
