场分析法 ...用基本机构组合法进行构思,关键技术功能运用技术矛盾分析法,综合技术功能用物理效应引入法构思,工艺功能用物—场分析法(s-Field法)构思。 一.
1、 S field respondence S域信号响应
2、 S Field 标签
3、 gas s field 气田
It s an effect created by an electric field, that creates a singular pull on an atom and ultimately RIPS it apart.
So, the pixels of the current field are retained, and the empty lines between those pixels are populated with pixels from the stored field (s) using motion compensation.
s Let's say that we have a vector field and s, a surface in space.
The Specify the storage Location (s) screen (Figure 11) now shows the newly created storage areas (fs1, fs2, and fs3) in the Selected storage areas field.
Specify the Storage Location (s)屏幕(图11)现在在Selected Storage areas区显示新创建的存储区域(fs1、fs2和fs3)。
Wider field images reveal that IC 1805's simpler, overall outline suggests its popular name - The Heart Nebula.
更大的图显示了IC 1805那更为简洁的整体轮廓,这正是它那俗称——心脏星云的由来。
The Command line field can contain many options; the example parameter, -B -S 10, compacts databases in-place that have greater than 10 percent white space.
Command line 域可以包含许多选项;例如参数 -B -S 10,表示当数据库有超过10% 的空白时进行压缩。