Saitama Prefecture的意思|示意
Saitama Prefecture的网络常见释义
埼玉县 石川辽的家在东京邻近的埼玉县(Saitama prefecture),他表示即使是在那里。心水。
琦玉县 琦玉县 ( Saitama Prefecture )是日本关东中部面积不大3,799km,日文所说的“县”相似于汉语的“省”。
埼玉県 ...made by the 越谷市立富士中学校(Fuji junior High School, Koshigaya City) in 越谷市(Koshigaya), 埼玉県(Saitama prefecture), in..
Saitama Prefecture相关例句
The project is a collaboration with Saitama Prefecture on environmental issues, according to Gizmag.
据Gizmag说,该计划是就环境问题同琦玉县(Saitama Prefecture)进行的合作。
As far back as 2013, of 2,600 cherry trees surveyed in one town - Soka in central Saitama Prefecture - 100 had already been affected by the pest, and some had died.