Search by Form的意思|示意
Search by Form的网络常见释义
一种是通过表来查询 2.ISIS/Base平台使用说明 ISIS/Base有两种基本的查询方式,一种是通过表来查询(Search by Form, SBF),也可以通过建立query builder来查询(SB)。
Search by Form相关例句
It begins by setting up a form with a search input field and an (abridged) list of Google Base item types.
它首先用一个搜索输入字段和一系列Google Base条目类型(已删节)设置一个表单。
Listing 4 begins by displaying a web form for the user to enter one or more search terms.
By using ASP.NET Routing and the new bi-directional support users can decouple URLs from a physical Web Form, allowing friendlier URLs and have search engines discover and use these.
用户可以利用ASP.NET Routing引擎和新的双向支持将URL和物理上的Web Form解耦,以便支持对搜索引擎更友好的URL。
These included faulty rounding on some financial data reported by the system, and searches that didn't perform consistently with blank parameters (empty fields on the search form).
Most users do so by going to the advanced search form, but this form does not explicitly list XML.
大多数用户通过使用高级搜索表单来实现这一点,但是这种表单并不是显式地列出 XML 。
You must enter at least three characters. Search results are displayed alphabetically, sorted first by ingredient, then by the route of administration and dosage form.