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Send money home相关例句
There are fewer South Asians overseas than there are chinese-some 25m Indians compared with 60m Chinese. But they send home huge amounts of money.
They live in bungalows, do harder work, get lower pay, be treated badly by urban people, they save money, then send back to home to feed family.
Studies show that migrant workers even in hard-hit sectors like construction continue to send money home even if their own earnings are reduced.
Earning a tiny wage and thinking all the time that they need to send money home, the workers eat very simply. Their meals are just rice and vegetables.
Although economists say the United States is not technically in a recession, the slowdown in economic activity is having a dramatic impact on the amount of money immigrants are able to send back home.
They will continue to send money home, even if they have to reduce the amount they send, says economist Dilip Ratha, who leads the World Bank’s Migration and Remittances team.
即便移民被迫减少汇款额,但他们仍将继续向家中汇款,世行经济学家兼移民与汇款工作组组长Dilip Ratha指出。