Sign up now的意思|示意
Sign up now的网络常见释义
现在就注册 因此我需要一种设计诱使用户注意到Sign Up Now(现在就注册)按钮,同时让他们想要去单击它。
现在注册 点击黄色框标记的Sign up now(现在注册)或者Create an account(战网通行证),然后进入下一步. 如何通过暗黑3beta key注册和激活美服战.
注册 选择右侧的注册(SIGN UP NOW)进入注册页面
马上注册 ...右上角的登入(Sign In),登入自己当初办帐号时所打的Windows Live ID,如果没有的话,点一下登入下面的 马上注册 ( Sign Up Now ),注册完以后登入即可开始步骤..
Sign up now相关例句
These objections may soon be overcome: the Bush administration, along with moderate Republican senators like Richard Lugar now want to sign up to the convention and start making America's case.
不过这些异议可能不久就会得以克服:布什当局以及理查德·卢格(Richard Lugar)等共和党温和派参议员现在想签署该公约并着手进行美国的调查。
It doesn’t matter whether you’re trying to get them to sign up for a newsletter, donate to a non-profit organization or hit the “Buy Now” button.
无所谓是你努力让他们参与一个时事活动、为一个非盈利组织捐款或是打击“Buy Now”按键的现象。
Any Facebook user can sign up for Deals notifications on the feature's landing page now; users in the five test cities should be able to see and use Deals.
Sounds like a plan? SIgn up now, only 30 spots are available!
If you have a blog, I highly encourage you to go sign up now.
Deutsche Telekom, which offers pay-TV over Internet connections, said this spring that it planned to sign up 2.5m-3m paying customers by the end of 2012 (it now has 900,000).
德国电信则提供付费电视网络连接业务,今年春天该公司声称,计划能够在2012年年底扩展到250 - 300万付费用户(现在有90万)。