Skating on Thin Ice的意思|示意
Skating on Thin Ice的网络常见释义
冒险一试 ... skate on thin ice 在薄冰上滑冰 ; 如旅薄冰 ; 如履薄冰 ; 在薄冰上涩冰 on thin ice 如履薄冰 ; 处于危险地 ; 处于危险状态 Skating on Thin Ice 冒险一试 ; 如履薄冰 ...
如履薄冰 ... skate on thin ice 在薄冰上滑冰 ; 如旅薄冰 ; 如履薄冰 ; 在薄冰上涩冰 on thin ice 如履薄冰 ; 处于危险地 ; 处于危险状态 Skating on Thin Ice 冒险一试 ; 如履薄冰 ...
Skating on Thin Ice相关短语
1、 Happy skating on thin ice 幸福如履薄冰
Skating on Thin Ice相关例句
Skating on ice that is too thin is dangerous.
If you are fighting with your cousin, and your mother tells you, "you are skating on thin ice," that means you are about to get into trouble.
如果你和堂兄妹正干仗,你的妈妈会跟你说,“You are skating on thin ice”,意思是说你俩再这么下去要出事儿了。
Somebody must have been skating on thin ice!
The ice on the pond is too thin for skating.
Skating on thin ice means you are doing something that could get you into trouble.
The ice on the pond is too thin for skating.