Spread rumors的意思|示意

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Spread rumors的网络常见释义

散布谣言 ... gossip流言蜚语 spread rumors散布谣言 leak渗 ...

传播谣言 ... 网民netizen; 传播谣言spread rumors; 军车military vehicles; ...

传谣 ... 网络谣言 online rumor 传谣 spread rumors 谣言的源头 source of a rumor ...

Spread rumors相关短语

1、 Don't spread rumors 别造谣

2、 Do not spread rumors 别造谣

3、 to spread rumors 传三过四

Spread rumors相关例句

Ms. Zhang's and my relationship is private and personal; the media should not invade our privacy nor continue to spread rumors of a separation.


Do not believe or spread rumors.


The most widely-spread rumors were those related to security - including terrorism, AIDS and infectious diseases.


It is immoral, and even illegal to spread rumors.


But David is trying to get that promotion by hook or by crook; he even spread rumors smearing the other candidates.

但是,戴维德为了这次能够被提升正在千方百计地想办法。 他甚至散布谣言,诬蔑其他有可能被提升的人。

In most companies, news, rumors, gossip and information can spread to hundreds or thousands of employees in a very short time.
