Star-anise oil的意思|示意
Star-anise oil的网络常见释义
八角茴香油 ... 排草浸膏Loosestrite 八角茴香油Star-anise oil 秘鲁浸膏Peru concrete ...
Star-anise oil相关短语
1、 Star anise oil 八角茴香油 ; 八角油 ; 大茴香油
2、 Japanese star anise oil 莽草油
3、 star anise oil resin 八角油树脂
Star-anise oil相关例句
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) has been applied to the study on the superstructure of various microencapsulated star anise oil.
Heat up a frying pan with oil. Stir in slices of ginger, onion, garlic, star anise and peppercorns until aromatic.
The evaluation indexes of dried fruit include sense, physics, chemistry, sanitation, and so on. And the evaluation indexes of star anise oil include sense, phi-chemistry and sanitation.
The ozonized reaction processes of star anise oil and Cinnamonic oil were controlled by reaction, and were influenced less by mass transfer.
Heat olive oil in pan. Pan fry 1 tsp of fennel seeds with 1 star anise for 1 minute or until fragrant.
The technology of molecular-distillation(MD) for purifying star anise essential oil was researched, and chemical constitutions of essential oil and distilled substance were analyzed by GC-MS.