Step Backward-的意思|示意

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Step Backward-的网络常见释义

返回 ... Step Forward-【向前】 Step Backward-【返回】 Fade-【消退】 ...

Step Backward-相关短语

1、 Step Backward 返回 ; 逐帧倒放 ; 后退 ; 倒退

2、 Step backward and Watch Life 退后一步看人生

3、 Take A Step Backward 退一步海阔天空

Step Backward-相关例句

If you take a job that's less than your previous one, you'll need to be able to explain this apparent step backward the next time you're looking.


After the first step is done, the backward button becomes active, allowing you to move back to a previous human task.


If he screens behind a stationary opponent, the opponent must be able to take a normal step backward without contact.


Combining JMS and session beans is a step forward in terms of enterprise functionality, but a step backward in terms of simplicity and flexibility.


Sometimes you need to take a step backward to move your career forward.


When you get down to business for the sake of fun then you miss a step backward into a negative!
