Sturdy frame的意思|示意
Sturdy frame的网络常见释义
虎背熊腰 一位是大力士,虎背熊腰(Sturdy frame),力大无穷,据说有人亲眼见他徒手放倒过一头黑熊。可惜他眼神不好,尤其是一到晚上基本就看不清东西。
Sturdy frame相关例句
A research group at Stanford University is developing synthetic wood that they expect will be sturdy enough to build a house frame and pliable enough to carve.
The special design creates a sturdy air filter even when the combined thickness of filter media and frame is as thin as ?
In Miller's design, the handle bars of the bike are removed and locked together around the frame to create a super sturdy loop that would be tough to cut through.
由Jaryn Miller 同学设计的自行车锁极有创意。他把单车的车把设计为车锁,要锁车时把车把两边护手拆下来就是一个环形车锁,可以很方便的把单车跟附近的栏杆固定;