Successive Elimination Algorithm的意思|示意
Successive Elimination Algorithm的网络常见释义
法 足球视频检索技术研究与实现【控制理论与控制工程专业优秀论文】 - docin.com豆丁网 将会比较多,因而在分析过程中需要存储和传输的信息量较大【271。针对这种不足, Salarit2s】等人提出了一种快速算法一连续排除算法(SuccessiveElimination Algorithm, SEA),该算法降低了计算量,提高了运算速度。除此之外,有人用四叉树分解算法估 计分析视频序列运动特征,起到
Successive Elimination Algorithm相关短语
1、 successive elimination algorithm sea 连续消除算法
2、 multilevel successive elimination algorithm 多级顺序排除算法
3、 multi-level successive elimination algorithm 多阶层连续消除算法
Successive Elimination Algorithm相关例句
In order to reduce the calculation number of matching position and keep the precision, we make use of the successive elimination algorithm. Therefore, the complexity was reduced.
For decreasing the computational complexity of searching process in best neighborhood matching method, a fast error concealment algorithm using successive elimination was proposed.