Sully Sullenberger的意思|示意
Sully Sullenberger的网络常见释义
萨伦伯格 94 萨利·萨伦伯格(Sully Sullenberger) 真汉子,传奇英雄(萨伦伯格曾是飞行员,以一次成功迫降故障飞 机、挽救乘客生命而出名),如今在CBS 新闻节目出任航空专家。
苏里·苏伦堡 全美航空公司1549航班机长苏里·苏伦堡(Sully Sullenberger)2009年1月15日驾驶的飞机撞上一群鹅之后,在哈德逊河上迫降,创造了“哈德逊河上的奇迹”。
机长苏伦伯格 那架飞机的机长苏伦伯格 (Sully Sullenberger)的机智,紧急降落面,至今传为美谈。他周日(2日)在电视节目「面对全国(Face the Nation)上说:「胡作非为的人可以买到廉价的科...
Sully Sullenberger相关短语
1、 Chesley 'Sully' Sullenberger 饰
Sully Sullenberger相关例句
One of the most recent heroes to visit the NYSE was Pilot Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger, who managed to save the lives of all his passengers during a remarkable crash landing in the Hudson River.
It took Captain Chesley (Sully) Sullenberger less than five minutes to become a hero.