Terry Leahy的意思|示意
Terry Leahy)
Terry Leahy的网络常见释义
特里·莱西 特里·莱西(Terry Leahy),Tesco,1997
Terry Leahy相关短语
1、 Sir Terry Leahy 希爵士 ; 莱希爵士 ; 莱西爵士 ; 特里爵士
2、 Anna Ford & Terry Leahy 现任校长
Terry Leahy相关例句
“THIS is still today a local industry, ” says Sir Terry Leahy (pictured), boss of Tesco.
有利可图、雄心勃勃,充满挑战“直到今天,德斯高依然只是本地产业,”德斯高的老板Terry Leahy(见图)说。
Sir Terry Leahy, Tesco's boss, said last year that the monitoring system had reduced waiting time for customers and helped to boost the firm's profits.
Tesco的老板特瑞•莱希阁下(Sir Terry Leahy)于2006年讲道,这套监控系统为顾客们减少了不少的等候时间,也帮助了超市获取了更大的盈利。
Three years ago, Tesco boss Sir Terry Leahy declared the UK was turning into a nation of foodies as shoppers traded up and put more emphasis on food quality, provenance and environmental issues.
3年前,乐购的总裁 Terry Leahy说英国正在朝更加注重食物品质,原产地和环境的方向转变。