躲避球 软件名称: 躲避球(The-Dodge-Ball) 提交者: admin
1、 Dodge the Ball 躲球
Microsoft has demonstrated games like dodge ball where people can jump, hurl balls at opponents and dart out of the way of incoming balls using natural motions.
微软展示了掷球游戏。 在游戏中,玩家可以跳起击球,用球投掷对手或躲闪来球。
Local bars sometimes have volleyball teams or hockey teams, and you might even be able to find a fun dodge ball or kickball team in the summertime.
AS you can see from the video below, ATRIAS holds its own against a barrage of dodge balls, failing only when its emergency shut-off button is accidentally struck by a ball.
Life is like playing football, not foul, also don't dodge ball, and should be rushed over to the bottom line.
When the task falls right on them, their first reaction is to "dodge"; they kick it like a ball to others.