The Bell Curve的意思|示意
The Bell Curve的网络常见释义
钟形曲线 不管俚语是 “白人不会跳远” 之类的赛前互黑,还是长期存在于钟形曲线(The Bell Curve)这类书籍中,认为黑人在智力上低于白人的观点,成见不仅仅关闭了机会之门,更令目标个体心生厌恶,烦躁不安。
弧线排序 难怪《The Bell Curve(弧线排序)》一出笼, 因为公司的旅游,第一次来到耳闻已久的溪头前天导游在 1、父子二人看到一辆十分豪华的进口轿车。
钟型曲线 就像恶名昭彰的 「钟型曲线(The Bell Curve)一书中把社会问题都归 咎给非裔美国人的基因一样,Sarrazin把矛头指向德国 边缘族群的基因。
平均值范围 ...其有关这种议题书包括: 1994年由理查·汉斯坦(Richard Herrnstein)及查里斯·莫瑞 (Charles Murray)合作平均值范围(The Bell Curve)、1997年由哲学家迈可·雷文 (Michael Levin)写种族是怎么一回事(Why Race Matters)、 1998年心理学家亚瑟·爵森写一般...
The Bell Curve相关短语
1、 The Global Bell Curve 全球钟形曲线
The Bell Curve相关例句
Tom Gerds said pet owners mirror the bell curve of household demographics.
Nevertheless, there's a bell curve for all things involving people, which means there are few really bad bosses, few really good bosses, and most of you fall somewhere in the middle.
Now let's contrast our bell curve of intermediates with the way that software is developed.
现在, 让我们对比一下中间用户在正态分布曲线上的位置,以及为其开发软件的方式。
As you can see, the actual TAB use formed a very nice bell curve, skewed to the lower Numbers of tabs.
With upward decreasing grain size the deflection of the self-potential curve also decreases to form a bell-shape.
On a bell curve, the timid and the reckless are the outliers.