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绿茵 资料 中文名: 绿茵 英文名: The Big Green 类 型: 喜剧 家庭 运动 导 演: Holly Goldberg Sloan 编 剧: Holly Goldberg Sloan 主要演员 基于3个网页 - 相

奶爸教练 新浪微博奶爸教练(The Big Green),电影资料,电影预告,上映戏院,上映时间,观众短评,专业影评,汤米李琼斯,汤米李琼斯, 泰瑞肯尼威, 法兰西丝麦多曼, 山姆谢普...

The Big Green相关短语

1、 the big green plastic bag 绿色塑料袋 ; 绿色的大塑料袋 ; 大的绿色塑料袋

2、 with the big green hat 戴着个绿色的大沿帽

The Big Green相关例句

The duo performance took place in the big showroom. Before starting, Green told the sound booth technician to turn the speaker volume way down.


They 7)made a big fuss of her and she was smiling when she left with the green beads around her neck and the feeling returning that life had taken a new direction.


She described the policy U-turn on Monday as “a big challenge”, though one that could put Germany at the forefront of green technology.


Heather: Enter the number of copies you want using these buttons and then press the big green button to start.


But, under the assumptions in the green budget, it could be as big as 9 per cent of GDP.


In the big kitchen at the Green Hills Retirement Community in Ames, Iowa, workers scurry about.

在爱荷华州埃姆斯的Green Hill退休社区的大厨房里,工人们正一刻不停的忙碌着。