The Contemporary World的意思|示意

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当代世界 4月17日晚上,在汕头大学的一间小型教室中,正在上一门叫做“the contemporary world(当代世界)” 通识课。

The Contemporary World相关短语

1、 In The Contemporary World 在当今世界

2、 Philosophy In The Contemporary World 当代世界哲学

3、 The Contemporary World Press 当代世界出版社

The Contemporary World相关例句

"The contemporary world has not seen such a tragedy," he said.


A historic change, the coming of the era of globalization, has happened in the contemporary world.


The contemporary world has been going through great changes in a broad and in-depth way, with no exception in China.


Everybody knows that in the contemporary world rejection of the Soviet Union means rejection of peace.


In the contemporary world economy, service industry is an important part of the national economy.


To accommodate that invitation, your writing will engage with issues in the contemporary world that the texts we read raise with their futuristic visions.
