The Dumb Waiter的意思|示意

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The Dumb Waiter的网络常见释义

送菜升降机 杰森在2007年接演了他创作的话剧《送菜升降机》(The Dumb Waiter),这位文学家和杰森一样是东欧犹太移民的后裔,却比杰森更加愤世嫉俗,更有边缘者的觉悟意识,大概是经历过二战的缘故,他参与政...

哑巴侍应 ... 哑巴新娘 Mute Bride 哑巴侍应 The Dumb Waiter 哑巴交换 silent trade ...

送菜直升机 代表作 《看管人》(The Caretaker) ,《送菜直升机》(The Dumb Waiter) ,《 背 叛汤姆· 斯托帕德(Tom Stoppard) : 》(Betrayal) 。 杰出的当代英国剧作家。

哑侍者 一些荒诞派作家的喜剧,剧中坚持认为事件中除 了我们为自己杜撰的意思以外别无它意,品特的《哑侍者》(The Dumb Waiter)和贝克特的《美好的日 子》(Happy Days)就是这样的戏剧。它们是有趣而充满讽刺的,当我们发笑时,我们会觉得要笑出来 并不容易。

The Dumb Waiter相关例句

Sigmund Freud s joke-theory provides a useful key to Harold Pinters early plays, especially The Dumb Waiter .


This paper will explore the comic and menacing factors in "the Dumb Waiter" through the analysis of the structure, setting and language.


Dumb waiter: One who asks if the kids would care to order dessert.


If the occupants of both flats answered to the whistle of the janitor at the same time, they would stand face to face when they opened the dumb-waiter doors.
