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The Gap Year的网络常见释义

间隔年 后来才知道所谓的间隔年(The Gap Year)是西方社会经过近代世界青年旅行方式变迁总结出来的概念,大概意思是西方国家的青年在升学或者毕业之后工作之前,做一次长期的旅...

空档年 空档年(THE GAP YEAR):所谓空档年,在欧洲是指高中毕业到进入大学深造的那段空闲时间,大概是一年。

间隔年的起源 什么是间隔年 间隔年的起源 (the gap year) 间隔年的形式或活动 做义工( 提到gap year的起源,就一定得从上世纪六十年代的嬉皮士浪潮说起。

这样的一年叫做 「在还未踏进社会之前年轻人花一年去世界旅行在西方是天经地义的事这样的一年叫做『The gap year』间隔年。随身带著环游套票、把地球当家的旅游作家褚士莹是一位标准的背包客「gap是一条沟大学毕业、找不到生命的热情、换工作、...

The Gap Year相关短语

1、 The Gap Year Show 空档年大展 ; 年大展

The Gap Year相关例句

A gap year is now one of the most talked about phenomena of this millennium.


The gap-year is between entrance exams in November and the start of the next academic year.


Last year, the gap reached 83 percent.


It has begun to close the gap: it was one of very few large Banks to expand lending last year.


Where there are disasters, according to Richard Oliver, director of the gap companies umbrella organisation, the Year Out Group, it is usually because of poor planning.


Resources still fall short of what is needed – the gap worldwide is approximately US$ 2.7 billion a year.

资源仍然达不到需求 - 每年全世界缺口约为27亿美元。