The Good Wife的意思|示意
The Good Wife的网络常见释义
傲骨贤妻 7回顶部 2 3 《傲骨贤妻》(The Good Wife)是一套美国法律剧情电视连续剧,在略显严肃的剧情中,更能看出主角们的演技。
律政巾帼 开始一本新的美剧--律政巾帼(the good wife),相当棒的励志剧,追无止境啊,这一追又不知得几年。男人也可以不是女人的全部,这个世界上有很多女人没有男人却可以活得更好。
高傲的骨气贤妻 《高傲的骨气贤妻》(The Good Wife)是CBS于2009年九月全新推出的律政剧,剧集以美国近期发生的政客丑闻为蓝本,描画前州检察官Peter Florrick的妻子儿女Alicia,在夫...
家有贤妻 1、《家有贤妻》(The Good Wife):眼前一亮
The Good Wife相关短语
1、 The Good Wife season 傲骨贤妻 ; 律政巾帼第2季 ; 傲骨贤妻第1季 ; 第二季
2、 The Good Wife Season 2 律政巾帼第2季 ; 傲骨贤妻
3、 The Good Wife S3 傲骨贤妻第3季
The Good Wife相关例句
TVLINE | Chuck Lorre told me that he hoped to have Christine Baranski (the Good Wife) back this spring as Leonard's mother. Have you heard anything on that?
My wife is a really good woman. After I bought her the ring, she insisted she would pay to decorate our house.
The artist limned a good likeness of his wife.
"Perhaps she will improve as she grows older," the officer's wife said good-naturedly.
You got a wife with money, a good job. You forget how it is bein broke all the time.
The Good Wife is a show about human behavior and emotion, and death, as sad and unfair as it can be, is a part of the human experience that we want to share.