The Impossible Line的意思|示意
The Impossible Line的网络常见释义
挑战之线 前不久,有报道称麒麟狗(Chillingo)即将发布一款富有创意的休闲作品《挑战之线》(The Impossible Line),不出所料,这款作品就在今天登上了 App Store,虽然和 Gamelof 的《都市赛车 8》撞期难免会人气不足,不过好在该作在挑战性和耐...
无敌粉笔线 ...无敌粉笔线(The Impossible Line)是一款画风非常简洁的解谜游戏,背景就是一块小黑板,在游戏开始前,黑板上会出现障碍、星星和蓝色目标,只要你的手指一触碰屏幕...
破解版 无敌粉笔线无限金币ios破解版(The Impossible Line)是一款风格简单的益智闯关游戏,玩法非常考验玩家的记忆力,游戏开始前你有几秒的时间还记下闯关路线。
不可思议之线 ...跃了起来,近日在自家网站上宣布,将代理发行由 Motion Imaging 开发的一款创意休闲作品《不可思议之线》(The Impossible Line)。.
The Impossible Line相关例句
It may be impossible for the same worker to walk off an assembly line one day and join a physical therapy practice the next.
Secrecy makes it impossible to know whether farms are really getting more efficient or whether the deals are done mainly to line politicians’ pockets.
And the story line was impossible to follow!
Reason: it is impossible to predict the outcome of a line of research with any certainty.
Barring a legislative miracle, it looks next to impossible for him to push these bills to the finishing line.
In cases of severe server errors, which make it impossible to continue serving the client (this shouldn't normally happen), the server will close the connection after sending the error line.