The Round Up的意思|示意
The Round Up的网络常见释义
巴黎血色围城 《隔》要回溯的,是1942年巴黎拘捕过万犹太人的事件,这段也是《巴黎血色围城》(The Round Up) 所拍的故事。
The Round Up相关短语
1、 Round Up the Devil 追剿魔头
2、 round up the whole lot 一网打尽
3、 round up the cattle 把牛赶到一块
The Round Up相关例句
Some of these are Fried and eaten during the round-up, but most are sold to wholesale buyers for meat and skins.
Here, we round up some of the most exciting (and upsetting) predictions that have been made in the last few months.
She skipped round the fountain garden, and up one walk and down another.
Mr. Sesemann had gotten up and was walking round the room, as he always did when something occupied his thoughts.
In a chaotic two days of flying, the rescue team flew 3,000 miles round-trip from the British station Rothera to pick up the workers in the U.S. Amundsen-Scott Station at the South Pole.
For example, a server with 480 PVUs would at minimum require 125 au licenses because you round up the PVU count for user minimum determination.
例如,具有480 P VU的服务器至少需要125个AU许可证,因为您将用户最小测试的pvu数集合在了一起。