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人工物语 Civilizations Wars(文明战争) zombie war(僵尸战争) the settlers(人工物语) ..
帝国崛起 ding 工人物语6:帝国崛起 (The Settlers VI)工人物语6:帝国崛起 (The Settlers VI)工人物语6:帝国崛起 (The Settlers VI)工人物语6:帝国崛起 (The Settlers VI)工人物语6:帝国崛起 (The Settlers VI)
The Settlers相关短语
1、 The Settlers of Catan 卡坦岛 ; 中文版 ; 卡塔岛 ; 卡坦岛及扩展
2、 The Settlers IV 工人物语 ; 工人物语4中文光盘版 ; 谁有工人物语 ; 魔都魅影
3、 The Settlers HD 工人物语 ; 之帝国兴起 ; 工人物语HD
The Settlers相关例句
The settlers would be sent supplies from Earth, but would go on the understanding that it would be too costly to make the return trip.
Eventually, the settlers abandoned the principle of Shared labor and contracted out to private work crews.
Many of the settlers fell prey to these infections and died shortly after.
Mr Netanyahu's inflexibility over the settlers may have got him out of a political jam; it also militates against the peace that would guarantee the Jewish state's long-term survival.
They would have prevented the reseeding of the slow-growing palm trees and thereby doomed Rapa Nui's forest, even without the settlers' campaign of deforestation.
She did go on to save his life once, when Powhatan Indians wanted his head, which was how she earned the respect of the settlers.