The Sunset Boulevard的意思|示意
The Sunset Boulevard的网络常见释义
日落大道 他喜欢玩具枪,喜欢以一百英里的时速开着法拉利跑车飞奔在日落大道(the Sunset Boulevard)上。他就像个大孩子。
The Sunset Boulevard相关短语
1、 The City of Sunset Boulevard 日落大道的城市
The Sunset Boulevard相关例句
The buildings feature stepping terraces at both ends of Sunset Boulevard, mediating the scale at these intersections at the street level.
But what really happen was that he took such odd jobs as wearing a chicken costume for a restaurant on the corner of Sunset Boulevard at 38 degrees and sharing a small room with 8 other guys.
When the day meets the night, this moment reminds me of CRI's Sunset Boulevard.
"If I lose my car it's like having my legs cut off," explains the doomed hero of the 1950 film "Sunset Boulevard".
In 1911 a site on Sunset Boulevard was turned into Hollywood's first studio, and soon about 20 companies were producing films in the area.
Wilder made famous movies like "Sunset Boulevard", "Some Like It Hot", and "Double Indemnity. " He also directed "The Lost Weekend", "The Apartment", and "The Seven Year Itch. "