The lower leg的意思|示意

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The lower leg的网络常见释义

小腿 ...有人认为劳动年龄应该改成17岁 » Some people think that labor should change it to 17 years of age 小腿 » The lower leg 电话不仅使人们交流更为容易,而且更快地处理紧急事件 » Phone not only helped people communicate more easily and faster han...

The lower leg相关短语

1、 flat-abscess of the lower leg 小腿疽

2、 Protecting the lower leg 护小腿的

3、 Injuries to the knee and lower leg 膝和小腿损伤

The lower leg相关例句

As you stand, maintain the natural curve in your lower back and keep your core muscles tight. Use your leg muscles - not your back - to lift the object.


When the thigh of the lead leg drives up to a position parallel to the track, momentum is transferred to the lower leg, which extends naturally.


The paper carries out the study on the blood supply of the flap pedicled with accompanying vessels of the cutaneous nerves in the lower leg, and design of the reversed flap for clinical reference.


Fusion surgery involves cementing the shin bone (tibia) - the thicker of the two bones in the lower leg - to the talus bone in the ankle.


He was wounded in the lower leg.


The knee is the joints where the thigh bone meets thelarge bone of the lower leg.
