The lowest price is的意思|示意

美 / / 英 / /


The lowest price is的网络常见释义

最低价是 最低价是 » The lowest price is 喜欢听英文歌和轻音乐听的很放松。 » Likes listening to English song and the light music listens to relax very much.

The lowest price is相关短语

1、 This is the lowest price 这已经是最低价格了 ; 这是最低的价格了

2、 The price is the lowest 这个价格是最低的了

3、 Is the lowest price 已经是最低的价格了

The lowest price is相关例句

This is the lowest possible price.


Because that crown is gained not by having the most desirable handsets (though that certainly helps, indirectly), but by having the lowest average selling price.


The value of an element at the lowest level is equal to its text node, for example the value of the element "price" is "29."


Our price is the lowest in the market.


This is the lowest price recorded since the dioxin crisis of January 2011.


The key of realizing winning bid at the lowest price is to design a machenism that makes the bidder' price not lower than its cost.
