The siren song的意思|示意
The siren song的网络常见释义
加勒比海盗前传警报 有路网图书目录 ... The pirate chase(加勒比海盗前传:海盗追击) The siren song(加勒比海盗前传:警报) Ptolemy's gate(托勒密之门) ...
The siren song相关短语
1、 Song of the Siren 海妖之歌 ; 小那加的大招
2、 Song To The Siren 给女妖的歌 ; 女妖之歌 ; 塞壬之歌 ; 海妖之歌
3、 Siren Song of the Counter-Culture 唱片名
The siren song相关例句
But a new study shows that people with true expertise in a subject have some immunity to the siren song of corporate sponsorship.
We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren, till she transforms us into beasts.
He said the United States was not willing to engage in a search for partial solutions - to succumb, as he put it, to a siren song.
FOR a brief interlude after the mid-terms Americans seemed seduced by the siren song of Germanic austerity.
For those lacking a fundamental comprehension of how science works, the siren song of pseudoscience becomes too alluring to resist, no matter how smart you are.
Many customers can't say no to the siren song of various discount offers made by the shopping mall.