This Time is Different的意思|示意
This Time is Different的网络常见释义
这次不一样 Rogoff)合著的《这次不一样》(This time is different)指出,美国一些主流经济学家在2007年之前,认为全球经济不平衡可以持续。
这次不同 现在存在的一个巨大分歧是,与他人合著有《这次不同》(This Time Is Different)一书。周边配套相对不完善,传统别墅区无限风光,但从来没有一部手机像小米一样,采用14纳米工艺的产品将在2013年底之前做好投产...
这一次非同寻常 ... 非同寻常的宠物 Not so common pets 这一次非同寻常 this time is different 非同寻常的感觉 Uncommon Sense ...
这次不同了 弗里顿说,就像罗格夫(Kenneth Rogoff)和Carmen Reinhart最近的新书《这次不同了》(This Time is Different)指出的一样,每次危机都是“换汤不换药”,危机的成因和主干大体相似。
This Time is Different相关例句
That is why this time may be different.
“This time is different,” she says.
These false starts are routinely (mis)interpreted by financial markets and policymakers as evidence the countries have really turned the corner quickly because this time is different.
In "This time is Different", their book on financial crises, Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff point out that Spain defaulted seven times in the 19th century and Portugal six.
在关于财政危机的专著“时间是不同的”一书中,Carmen Reinhart和Kenneth Rogoff指出,19世纪西班牙有7次没有履行债务,葡萄牙6次。
That is why this time may be different. Of course they say that during every bubble.
This time is different: the Great Depression appears truly relevant, and many people have been spooked by the story.