To aim at的意思|示意

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To aim at的网络常见释义

目的在于 ... To be subdivided into 在被细分 To aim at 目的在于 To stem from 产生(起源)于 ...

对准 ... to aim (gun) 照准; 照准 to aim at 对准; 对准 to aim in front of a moving target 超前瞄准; 超前瞄准 ...

针对 ... 针对 = in connection with 针对 = to aim at 针对 = to direct at ...

To aim at相关短语

1、 to aim at the moon 好高骛远

2、 take aim at to show 瞄准显示

To aim at相关例句

To aim at or for.


Businesses will have to aim at long-term growth.


What is needed is some leadership from Mr Ban and some clear goals to aim at.

因此, 真正需要的是潘能够展现一些领导力,并且确定一些明确的目标。

The opening school's affairs to public is once profound reform and change, which is to aim at long-term formative close paternalistic administrant system in primary school.


It is up to you to find your own process, but I've found that setting goals gives my subconscious mind a target to aim at.


Games include "graffiti Eraser" in which a user tries to aim at the pressure sensor in the urinal to erase virtual graffiti on the display.
