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马斯垂克条约 (三) 马斯垂克条约 ( Treaty of Maastricht ): ..

欧洲联盟条约 3,是欧洲联盟成立的基础:统一货币1、简介《欧洲联盟条约(Treaty of Maastricht)》(又称欧元趋同标准),它是于1991年12月9日至10日第46届欧洲共同体首脑会议上签署的条约。

Treaty of Maastricht相关短语

1、 the treaty of maastricht 马斯特里赫特条约

Treaty of Maastricht相关例句

A recent poll suggested that, if the referendum were re-run today, 64% of the French would reject the Maastricht treaty, which the country approved in 1992 only by a whisker.


Mr Musca cut his teeth at the French Treasury, working for Mr Trichet during the talks that led to the 1992 Maastricht treaty, the foundation of the euro.


He described Russia's call for the founding of a G20 treaty similar to the EU's Maastricht treaty which defines the fiscal targets of EU members as an "interesting" alternative.


Committed to regional integration, the EU was established by the Treaty of Maastricht in 1993 upon the foundations of the European Communities.


Its referendum produced a narrow vote in favour of the Maastricht treaty.


The Amsterdam Treaty in 1997 further strengthened conditions of the Maastricht agreement.
