Tune in With的意思|示意

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唱片名 ... 唱片名: Tune in With 表演者: Bristols 版本特性: Import ...

Tune in With相关短语

1、 in tune with 协调 ; 适合 ; 与……协调

2、 in tune with the times 顺应时势

3、 be in tune with 与…协调

Tune in With相关例句

Just make sure you are in tune with your intuition while making these decisions.


When I am in tune with God, I remember he has everything under control even though I don’t!


If you are in tune with your body, you'll likely be in tune with hers as well.


It is much easier for users to transition to applications written with II ce if the conceptual mapping in your connector is in tune with how they interact with the system already.

如果从概念上说,连接器中的映射与用户和已有系统之间的交互一致,那么用户就更容易过渡到使用II CE编写的应用程序。

They really in tune with the community and they do a lot of service in the community.


In tune with the cycle of the monsoon winds, this network of sea-lanes and harbors bound East and West in a continuous exchange of goods and ideas.
