Unite as one的意思|示意
Unite as one的网络常见释义
团结一心 凭借全联盟最廉价的首发,凭借全联盟平均高度最矮的首发阵容(替补阵容也不高),火箭全队上下团结一心(Unite as one),众志成城,凝心聚力,苦练内功、巧功,低调做人,努力构建调和球队,同时在战术安排上战略战术对头,管理层和教练组大胆使用、...
团结一致 ... under the direction of 在……的指导下 unite as one 团结一致 upside down 颠倒着,倒转着 up and down 来回,上上下下,来来往往 ...
片尾曲 动漫卡通KONAMI「TIME HOLLOW片尾曲『Unite As One』收录。
团结如一人 ... decrease cost降低成本 unite as one团结如一人 those in need那些需要帮助的人 ...
Unite as one相关短语
1、 To unite as one 结合成为一体 ; 团结成为一体 ; 为了团结一致
2、 We should unite as one 我们应该团结一心
3、 Unite as one man 团结得像一个人
Unite as one相关例句
We shall always unite as one big family ___________ disasters.
In this process, we help, to unite as one mutually.
It takes a long time for all the nations to unite as one country by surporting and learning from each other.
In my company to unite as one, the principles of hard work with my company to produce the most satisfactory unit products.
Because the Taoist theories emphasizes "nature and man to unite as one" and extrication when it faces the disaster, it has a full-bodied tendency of aesthetic consciousness.
The hundreds of millions of Chinese unite as one, united to tiding over the special time.