Use a Wizard的意思|示意

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Use a Wizard的网络常见释义

使用向导 文 件 操 作 一、 使用向导(Use a Wizard)进行初始设置 操作步骤: New-Create New Drawing 对话框 Use a Wizard-Quick Setup-〖OK〗 第一步:Units-〖Next〗 第二步: Area...

Use a Wizard相关例句

In this section, you'll use the Web service wizard to create a client proxy for your StockQuote Web service, that is, the code that a Web application USES to call the Web service.

在这一节,您将使用Web服务向导为您的Stockquote Web服务创建一个客户机代理,即Web应用程序用于调用Web服务的代码。

To do this, you use the Eclipse Plug-In project wizard to create a new project called sample_derby, which is based on the Hello World template (see Figure 2).

为此,请使用Eclipse Plug - In Project向导创建一个名为sample_derby的新项目,该项目将基于Hello World模板(参见图2)。

After using a wizard to allow the user to select which service and port to use from the WSDL description, you see the dialog box shown in Figure 4.


The adapter pattern wizard, in a nutshell, covers 80% of the general use cases for the adapters.

简而言之,适配器模式向导涵盖 80% 的一般适配器使用情况。

Find an application that could use a little kick, and add a dash of Ajax to a user form or wizard.


Most plug-ins have a plug-in class (and if you use the Eclipse wizard to generate a new plug-in, it automatically has one), but somehow XM managed to get by without one.

大多数插件都有一个插件类(如果您使用 Eclipse 向导来生成新的插件,那么向导会自动生成一个),但不知何故,XM 没有这个插件类。