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技术 ...柔性直流输电技术(VSC-HVDC)是基于可关断器件和电压源换流器的新一代高压直流输电技术,相对于常规直流,其技术优点突出且应用领域广泛。

高压直流 本文建立的动态数学模型的整流和逆变侧控制的电压源转换器(VSC)的高压直流(VSC-HVDC)连接采用绝缘栅双极晶体管(IGBT)与PWM控制。

柔性直流 ...摘要:针对包含柔性直流(VSC-HVDC)的交直流互联系统区间低频振荡现象,提出把基于线性矩阵不等式的多目标控制方法应用到柔性直流附加控制中。

电系统 目前该方向的研究热点有: a)面向大规模可再生能源输送的柔性直流输电系统(VSC-HVDC),重点研究模块化多电平VSC子模块及其主电路拓扑结构、两电平及多电平调制策略、器件参数优化选择、电容预充电与电容电压均衡策略...


1、 VSC-HVDC model 柔性直流输电模型

2、 multi-infeed VSC-HVDC system 多端电压源型直流输电系统

3、 VSC-HVDC Control System FrameworkVSC-HVDC 系统控制体系框架


The newly direct current transmission (VSC-HVDC) technology is refers USES full-controlled semiconductor device, and potential source converter based direct current transmission technology.

新型直流输电(VSC - HVDC)技术是指采用全控型功率半导体器件的电压源换流器的直流输电技术。

The control strategy of start-up process of HVDC based on voltage source converter (VSC-HVDC) is discussed.

对基于电压源换流器(vsc)的直流输电(VSC - HVDC)系统的起动过程控制策略进行了研究。

The simulation model for the grid connection of offshore wind farm via VSC-HVDC based on the fixed pitch constant speed wind power generation system is established.


According to VSC-HVDC system requirements and the design scheme, the characteristics of the high-power VSCs of wind farm side and grid side are studied.


According to the given topology of voltage source converter based HVDC system (VSC-HVDC), three-phases mathematic model in stationary frame is established.


The VSC translating power control system adopting inverse system nonlinear control and VSC-HVDC control system based on respective adjustment of active and reactive power are designed.

万顺昌转换功率控制系统,采用逆系统非线性控制和VSC - HVDC控制系统的基础上相应的调整有功和无功功率的设计。