Walleye pollock的意思|示意
Walleye pollock的网络常见释义
白眼狭鳕 英文名:Alaska Pollock俗名:狭鳕,阿拉斯加狭鳕,白眼狭鳕(Walleye pollock)。产地及产期:阿拉斯加。
狭鳕 ... 狭颌针鱼 freshwater longtom 狭鳕 ,明太鱼 walleye pollock 狭锉 pillar file ...
Walleye pollock相关例句
The walleye pollock(Theragra chalcogramma) and alginate were mixed to make edible composite films, it improved the properties of the fish gelatin films.
The properties of skin gelatin films of walleye pollock(Theragra chalcogramma) were examined before chitosan was added to improve the properties of the fish gelatin films.