合适性,合式性形状好(well-formed 的名词形式)
良构 良构(well-formedness)的整个思维是引见容许XML的无DTD解析,且推行无doctype文档。
良好 析器的Frontier 5.1.3检查XML文件是否结构良好(well-formedness).
结构完整性 ... amalgamated path 合并的轨道 well-formedness 合法性;结构完整性 well-formed 合法的;合格的;合语法的 ...
1、 well-formedness constraint 格式正确性约束 ; 性约束 ; 规范性约束 ; 形式合法性约束
2、 well-formedness conditions 合格性条件
3、 well-formedness rules 良好性规则
In practice, an error is reported when something goes wrong that has to do with content, usually unexpected, but not with the structure or well-formedness of an XML document.
实际应用中,当 XML 内容(而不是 格式或结构)出现了意想不到的问题就会报告一个错误。
The XML 1.0 well-formedness definition specifically states that attributes are unordered, but says nothing about elements.
XML 1.0 结构良好性定义专门指出属性是没有顺序的,但是没有说元素。
The other AOP tools check to varying degrees the well-formedness of aspect declarations, but they offer no static checking of pointcuts, whether declared using annotations or XML.
其他 AOP 工具可以检查方面声明的合格程度,但是,不管是用注释还是用 XML 声明,它们都没有提供切入点的静态检查。
In determining the acceptability of an utterance we have to assess independently the well-formedness of the semantic and syntactic representations and the cultural connotation carried by language.
The too generically -- and perhaps a bit wrongly -- named 'XML Parser' is a somewhat older tool to check the syntacticality and well-formedness of an XML document (but not to validate against a DTD).
“XML 语法分析器”这个叫法太笼统,也许还不太确切,实际上它是一种比较旧的工具,用于检查 XML 文档是否符合句法以及其结构是否完好(但对于 DTD 无效)。
The most common example is a document that lacks well-formedness.