Yeah How so的意思|示意
Yeah How so的网络常见释义
是吗 ... The wilderness isn't quite what I expected.野外跟我想的不太一样 Yeah How so是吗 为什么 It's kind of wild.太荒芜了 ...
Yeah How so相关短语
1、 Yeah so how could you 你怎么会这样呀
Yeah How so相关例句
Yeah, she went on, addressing her customer, it's just so incredible that these women insist on being hidden no matter how much you might try to help them.
I guess, yeah. - So how did we end up here?
Yeah, wait. How are you running so fast?
Yeah, so how many DKP you gonna give me?
姚明脸说:“噢,您打算分我多少DKP ?”
Yeah, I was in the dark, I was falling hard, With an open heart, I'm wide awake, How did I read the stars so wrong.
(是的,我之前毫不知情,我当时敞开心扉,却重重摔倒在地,我现在非常清醒,我怎么会如此识人不明) ”威少唱道。
Monica: Yeah. We all have jobs. So that'; s how we buy stuff.