You insincere的意思|示意
You insincere的网络常见释义
你没有诚意 我的爸爸和妈妈都是工人 » My daddy and mothers all are the worker 你没有诚意 » You insincere 那个老太太过马路时摔倒了 » That old lady cross the road and fell down ..
You insincere相关短语
1、 You to me insincere 你对我一点也不真诚
You insincere相关例句
If you can, mention a personal weakness that could be seen as a professional strength; I'm a workaholic! (though avoid being seen as insincere)!
Look into someone's eyes and you can tell if he is happy or sad, truthful or insincere, sober or drunk.
Although part of a competency based interview is selling yourself, you don't want to come off as fake or insincere.
You can expect insincere gestures of friendliness this week.
We are not advocating that you adopt a phony smile that looks insincere and plastered on your face, but a pleasant facial expression helps establish a positive emotional climate.
Some people are so terribly insincere you can never tell if they are telling the truth.