a bald head的意思|示意

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a bald head的网络常见释义

牛山濯濯 treeless mountains光秃秃的山 A treeless mountain;a bald head牛山濯濯 In South America,a treeless,grassland area.南美大草原南美洲的一个无树的草原 .

a bald head相关短语

1、 He a little bald head 他是一个小光头

a bald head相关例句

The circus performance was excellent; the performer with a bald head was very strong and could withstand the weight of the heavy jug.


The size of small child, it has a soft torso with a bald head, a doll-like face, and stumps in place of limbs. It looks like an overgrown fetus.


And so he painted a picture of St matthew with a bald head and bare dusty feet, awkwardly gripping the huge volume, anxiously wrinkling his brow under the unaccustomed strain of writing.


A bald head is soon shaven.


"It just slipped through from my bald head and it was a great feeling," Sneijder said.


Stuart's very different from my first husband - he's half bald, but he reminds me that he once was a young thing with a full head of hair.

斯图亚特很不同于我的第一个丈夫。 他一半的头发都掉光了,但他却时常对我说他年轻时满头乌发。