a big talk的意思|示意
a big talk的网络常见释义
吹牛 吹牛(a big talk) 这是一种真本领,具有无可比拟的实用价值。 假期 大多数工人一生中的两个星期,在这段时间里他(她)们远离了工作的烦扰,却要忍...
a big talk相关例句
In it was a great parade of universal love, that pet subject of the budding poet, which sounds as big as it is easy to talk about.
"I'm not a big proponent of the Talk, whether it's from a mother or a father," says Hutchinson.
After our talk, I liked him and was convinced that he, and Tipper, would be a big addition to our campaign.
Is there a teacher who has had a big influence on your life? Talk about that person.
Or adopt a power pose if you need to boost your confidence before a big talk.
I'll talk about this more below, but the simple act of saying "thank you" to someone can make a big difference in that person's life.