a chain of的意思|示意

美 / ei tʃein ɔv / 英 / e tʃen ʌv /



a chain of的用法详解

英语单词a chain of的用法讲解

a chain of是一种表达方式,常用来指一系列的连续成分,意思可以延伸到逻辑上,如“一系列因果关系”、“一系列联系”或“一连串事件”等。a chain of 后接名词,后接介词of 后面接表示数量的复数名词,例如:

A chain of islands.一个群岛

A chain of events.一系列事件

A chain of reasons.一系列原因

a chain of的具体用法有:

1. 作定语:

A chain of mountains.一串山脉

A chain of islands.一个群岛

A chain of lakes.一条湖链

2. 作主语或表语:

A chain of ships was visible in the harbor.港口看到一条船队。

A chain of events led to the eventual success.一系列事件最终导致了成功。

3. 作后置定语:

The events, a chain of which was caused by human interference, have caused great damage to the environment. 这些事件,其中一系列是人为干涉造成的,给环境造成了巨大破坏。

4. 作状语:

He was sentenced to death, a chain of events leading to which began two years ago. 他被判处死刑,其前因始于两年前。

总而言之,a chain of是一个常用的表达方式,多用于表达一系列的连续成分,即一个连续的事件序列或逻辑关系。

a chain of相关短语

1、 a chain of islands 诸岛

2、 A Chain of Life 生命链

3、 a chain of bad luck 一连串倒霉的事情

4、 a chain of thought 一连串想法

5、 a chain of signification 意义链

6、 a chain of evidence 证据链

7、 a chain of ideas 一连串想法

8、 a chain of commands 指挥链

a chain of相关例句

Life is a chain of moments of enjoyments; not only about survival.

生命是一串串快乐时光, 它不只关乎生存.


He now owns a chain of 970 food stores.



Is still free to leave a chain of life and death?



The murder of his landlord set off a chain of troubling events.



Our study of heat engines is part of a chain of reasoning.



Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment, not only about survived.

生活是一连串享受快乐的时刻, 不是仅仅为了活着.
