a chat show的意思|示意

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a chat show的网络常见释义

一个谈话节目 ... a chat show 一个谈话节目 TV chat show 电视访谈秀 Show Chat 显示交谈窗口 ...

a chat show相关例句

After all, one can chat on the net only, hear a song, see a movie, the netizen amount big country that plays game is what to do not have to be worth to show off.


Was he even serious about his own chances, or simply angling for book sales and a bigger chat show?


Jake Knotts, a state senator, opined on a chat show broadcast from a bar: "we already got one raghead in the White House; we don't need a raghead in the governor's mansion."

该州参议员Jake Knotts在一个谈话节目中说:“我们在白宫已经有了一个包着头巾的人,不需要在州长位置上再来一个了”。

Then it had chat, and a community built around watching this live show, which was now a new form of entertainment.


Next time you chat with a friend, take note of his body language for it might show whether he's interested in your words or not.


If you're not savvy technologically, getting your kids to show you how to use the Internet or chat rooms is a good way to lead into a discussion about boundaries.
