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修辞格 英语词metaphor出现在1533年,意指一种修辞格(a figure of speech),在该修辞格中,在字面儿上指称一种类型的客体或不雅念的一个词或词组被用来代替另外一个词或词组,从而暗示它们之间的相仿(li...

言语上的图象 "萨尔蒙德认为即使所谓有体物所有权的概念也只是一个言语上的图象(a figure of speech),它只意味着一个人所拥有的有关有体物的特定的请求权、权力、自由、豁免等法律权利,萨尔蒙德实际上是在随心所欲对所有权作最广...

修辞手法 ... resort to采取 a figure of speech 修辞手法 out of proportion不成比例 ...

a figure of speech相关短语

1、 just a figure of speech 只是打个比方

a figure of speech相关例句

Antithesis is a figure of speech in rhetoric.


Metonymy: A figure of speech in which something very closely associated with a thing is used to stand for or suggest the thing itself.

转喻: 用和一种事物关系非常紧密的另一种事物来指代这个事物的一种修辞方法。

Traditionally, irony is seen as a figure of speech, an ornament added onto a dull language to make it more amusing, incisive.


A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect, as in I could sleep for a year or This book weighs a ton.


Synecdoche is a figure of speech in English, it has many uses, one of which is through association and analogy in order to replace the whole part.


Concerning the poets' ways of image arrangement: unitary image, image of a figure of speech, descriptive image, symbolizing image, common sense image.
