a folk dance的意思|示意

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a folk dance的网络常见释义

跑旱船 A Folk Dance(跑旱船), 此释义来源于网络辞典。

一种民间舞蹈 [a folk dance] 一种民间舞蹈,扮演女子的人站在用竹片和布等扎成的无底船中间,船舷系在身上。另一人扮演艄公,手持木桨,作划船状。

a folk dance相关短语

1、 join in a folk dance 参加跳民间舞蹈

2、 A Vivacious Folk Dance 活泼民间舞蹈

a folk dance相关例句

This little boy has put on makeup for a folk dance.


Amritsar, India: Punjabi state girls perform Giddah, a traditional Punjabi folk dance, during the inaugural ceremony of the 14th National Youth festival.


Folk instruments include the fujara (a flute), bagpipes, and others, used to make dance music called czardas.


There is a wide array of native folk music and dance.


The pace of moving law of training is to learn the basis of the Mongolian folk, both for the structure of action, or for a combination of dance is very important.


A ballroom dance based on the Cuban folk dance.
