a manual pump的意思|示意
a manual pump的网络常见释义
手摇泵一个 ... 四作用手摇泵 quadruple-action hand pump 曲柄手摇泵 storm pump 手摇泵一个 a manual pump ...
详细翻译 详细翻译>> a manual pump 手摇泵一个..
a manual pump相关例句
A bailer or manual water pump is not required for any multi-hull vessel that has subdivided multiple-sealed hull construction.
There is a manual pump to get rid of the water.
A check valve (3) can prevent the natural chemical absorption water head of the water head when the manual pump or the mechanical pump stops to work.
Our technology allows the longest "hold" and flow time ever in a Manual Pump.
This isocratic system consists of a high pressure solvent delivery pump, an UV/VIS detector, a manual injection valve, and a solvent tray, a column and a Chromatography Workstation.
Electromagnetic dosing pump with MANUAL regulation by means of a potentiometer.